Become the best on the VALHALLAMU.FUN project!

Opening x5000 (NO GR) - 2 August!

Season 3 Remaked, New sets, New quests, New maps, new bosses and much more!

x5000 Server Statistics
Total Guilds 18
Total Gms 2

x5000 Server Market Statistics
Total Items 0
Active Items 0
Expired Items 0
Total Sold 0
Total Sales ForWCoinC 0
Total Sales ForCredits 0
Total Sales ForWeb Zen 0

CryWolf Info
Status Of The Fortress Not Protected

Castle Siege Info
Owner Guild CCCP
State Guild Registration (2024-09-16 00:00 - 2024-09-17 23:59)
Money 1.2 KKKZen
tax_chaos 2%
Tax Store 3%
Tax Hunt Zone 300000Zen

# Guild Master Reg Marks
No Registered Guilds
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